Cosmetic Dentistry includes any dentistry that is done to improve the appearance of teeth, bite, and/or gums around teeth. It may be indicated when there is decay on a front tooth, years of wear on teeth or when there is a space that someone is unhappy with. Cosmetic dentistry can mean different treatment options such as “bonding”, veneers, crowns, and full mouth treatments. Bonding is a term used when resin composite or “filling material” is used to fill in spaces between teeth. Veneers are thin layers of porcelain that are bonded to the tooth and may require some removal of tooth structure. Crowns are full coverage of a tooth with porcelain. Like all dental treatment options, different treatments may be indicated for different individuals and not indicated for others based on a variety of factors. If you’re interested in knowing your options, schedule your consult today.
August 16, 2023